
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Witnessing 101

Most Americans, when asked, will say they are Christian. They grew up believing they are Christian. They may have gone to church on Easter, Christmas and even a few times in-between. They believe in God, they've heard of Jesus, too. They even know some of the Bible stories like Jonah and the whale; Moses; and Noah's Ark. I mean, if you had to pick a religion and you had been raised this way, you would say you are a Christian, right? That's what I said. That's what I believed. That's how I raised you. I was wrong. Really wrong. And I need to tell you why . . .. . . . . . .

This is a pamphlet written by me to my son many years ago.  I used it as a witnessing tool to help explain to him what Jesus did for us and what it means to accept Christ and follow him.  Since then I have sent it to many of my friends and family.  It's a great tool and a way to reach loved ones that may be a distance from you.  You can order it here:

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