
Thursday, October 9, 2014


Let me preface this entry by saying that I love the song Overcome.  It's an awesome song that reminds me of all Jesus has done for us and how worthy he is of our praise and worship.  Great song.

Now, here comes the "but."  In the lyrics there is a quote from scripture (maybe rephrased a little bit):

We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb
And the word of our testimony

actual scripture reads:
And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony
Revelation 12:11

However that's not my beef - the meaning there is still intact.  My problem is that the last part of that verse has been dropped.  And it's a really, really (did I mention really?) important part........................

for they loved not their lives even unto death.

Ouch.  That's kind of a downer for such an uplifting song. It reminds me of how we Christians in the western world like to invite others into the Kingdom but so often fail to point out the repentance part of the equation. After all, we might not have as many notches in our belt or seats filled in church, not to mention the nasty looks we might have to endure when we deliver the whole truth and nothing but the truth........ you know how the rest goes.

My small group is currently reading the book Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman and I'm starting to realize maybe I'm still sitting in the bleachers as a fan. If I'm honest (and I try to be) I have to say that I love my life.  Yes, I admit it - I LOVE my life.  It's a great life.  I live in a nice home, have a wonderful husband (Yes, hon, I think you are wonderful ;-), two terrific children, my own SUV (I no longer have to drive a minivan!),  and to complete the warm and fuzzy picture, a dog (even the breed I always wanted).  What is not to love?  Problems?  Yeah, sure, I've got some of those. But when I compare them to the problems others have, they seem pretty insignificant.  And we love to do that, don't we?  Compare ourselves - our problems, our situations, our haves, our have-nots, even our walk with the Lord to those who we consider aren't as fortunate or aren't getting it quite right.  "Well at least I've got a roof over my head .......... or.......... at least I've got food on the table ...... or .......... at least I'm not pregnant and unmarried ....... etc........... you get my drift.

If we stop to think about the Christians around the world who don't have a roof over their heads, and don't have food on their table, and are unwed mothers or perhaps sitting in prison, we may find out that they are actually better off than we claim to be here in the western culture.  And it's all about that last little left out phrase in the song Overcome................

for they loved not their lives even unto death.

Lord Jesus, I pray that I, too, could love not my life even unto death. Why do I pray for that?  Because I AM covered by your blood and without that lack of love for myself the word of my testimony means nothing.

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