
Monday, February 24, 2014


As I sit here this Monday morning looking gratefully at a pile of orders to fill (thank you Lord!) something inside me says they can wait while I thank God for another work He has done in my life, Kristina's life and the life of those we encountered this past weekend .  And isn't that most important?  The putting aside of worldly things, schedules and demands in order to praise, worship and give thanks to the One who created us?  Amen.

For those of you who don't know about God's "survivor bag ministry" I'll direct you to the webpage in case you are interested in starting it at your church, youth group, small group, etc.

For those of you who do know about it and were praying for us this weekend - thank you for your prayers.  It was a God-filled, awesome day!
It didn't seem so awesome when we started out to Philly in the morning.  We were grateful the sun was shining, no snow or ice, but for some reason my GPS was on the wrong setting (unknown to us) and what should have been a 45 minute drive turned into 90 minute drive!  And it was into unknown territory and some frankly scary neighborhoods.  While I like to travel and I like adventure, I do NOT like to be lost!  Control issues?  I think so!  However, God was in control and being 45 minutes late was part of His plan ;-)
After finally arriving at the parking garage, we filled up our backpacks and rolling cooler, prayed, then set out on foot.  While we know a park area near the museums where many, many homeless camp out, we wanted to try and start out finding the single ones that are by themselves in order that we could really talk with them individually.  So we set out to the downtown touristy area.  God did not disappoint as our paths crossed with so many street homeless.  Some were saved, some were not....... some were ready to chat with us  ............. actually most were ready to chat and only a few were not.  
Grady -  asked for prayer and that God would know what his needs are
Robert - pray for relief from the pains associated with being out in the elements
Lemule Davis - pray for money needed for diabetes meds
Richie - pray for job
Darlene - pray for housing - she's been out in this weather because the shelters are full
We went back to our car to reload our back packs and then headed off to the museum area.  There was another Christian group who had set up a soup kitchen outside so the number of homeless there was great.  Once we opened our backpacks and brought out the first survivor kit they all came running and we were wiped out in a matter of minutes.  Because it's hard to talk to them individually in a setting like that, we make sure each bag has some type of tract and/or a Daily Bread.  God's word must go out to each of them no matter what. 
As always I thank God for using me (and my family, Paul, Jon and Kristina) in this ministry.  It is an honor and a privilege and I am grateful beyond words.  I thank God for all the people who have supported us financially and with prayer.  As I reflected on the weekend I realized something that just made me even more grateful.  In a short 10 years (sometimes it seems long but in the view of eternity it is a hiccup) God has taken me from someone who basically despised the homeless and wasn't a true Christian to becoming a born-again Christian with  a heart for the homeless.  He has taken me from a baby Christian who was afraid to pray in front of anyone (I used to jot down a prayer before Bible class in case I was called on to pray!) to holding hands with the homeless on a crowded street in Philly and praying out loud so all walking by can have ears to hear if He so pleases.  Now that is a true blessing - and it is ALL of God because I never could have done any of this in my own power and strength. 
In closing let me try to convey the moment that brings me right to the feet of Jesus like no other moment ever has.  It's the moment we are walking down a busy street of upscale stores with well dressed people hurrying by and there is Lemule Davis standing with a cup, leaning against a building, dirty clothes with holes, unshaved, desheveled.  It's the moment we stop to talk to Lemule and he tells us how he is trying to get enough money together for his diabetes medicine and yes, he can surely use a survivor bag.  It's the moment his eyes light up when we ask if we can pray with him.  It's the moment he takes our hands and we stand in a circle on that busy street praying.  It's the moment of feeling that calloused, dry hand that has been exposed to the elements for so long and knowing it's a hand that God made and loves and a hand that His son, Jesus Christ came to die for. That's the moment that brings me to the feet of my Savior.  Thank you Lord - I am undeserving and yet You have blessed me beyond my imagination.  Thank you Jesus.  



  1. A beautiful picture of redemption!
    Love your story! Thanks for sharing with them and then with us!

  2. Thank you for these words. I am grateful that God continues to make you passionate about helping the homeless. When you share your experiences, it encourages us to seek out the needs of others and also glorifies God. How awesome that right after we prayed with Lemule for God to provide money for his medicine, a man came by and put money in his cup!

    1. That was so exciting to see God answer Lemule's needs right after we prayed for it! Thank you for coming with me and sharing the day with me ;-) Love you!!

  3. Thank you Linda and Kristina! I love how this is a team effort. Without the rest of the team - the financial supporters, the prayers, the encouragers - it would be difficult if not impossible to be out there doing this. This demonstrates how each part of the body is equal in function and necessary in the Kingdom. All the glory goes to God!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment on my blog. God bless you!