
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Union with Christ

I'm currently reading The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee and while it's not what I would call an easy, light read, it certainly is thought provoking.  This morning's read was particularly good:

For by baptism we acknowledge in a figure that God has wrought an intimate union between ourselves and Christ in this matter of death and resurrection.  One day I was seeking to emphasize to a Christian brother the intimacy of this union.  We happened to be drinking tea together, so I took a lump of sugar and stirred it into my tea.  A couple of minutes later I asked, "Can you tell me where the sugar is now, and where the tea?"  "No," he said, "you have put them together and the one has become lost in the other; they cannot now be separated."  It was a simple illustration, but it helped him to see the intimacy and the finality of our union with Christ in death.  It is God that has put us there, and God's acts cannot be reversed.

I love that.  God has put us there - it is not something we have done.  He has decided before time  began who would be in the Book of Life.  And God's acts cannot be reversed.  In other words, He doesn't make mistakes.  So there is no sense in questioning our salvation.  It's been decided.  It's not something we can change, ruin or destroy.  This fact brings me so much joy and comfort.  It's like a fountain bubbling up from the ground.  And that's where our joy originates from - the fact that we are a chosen people, protected and loved.  Amen.

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